- Calle Comerío Final Km. 20.5 Bo. La Aldea (Detrás del Victory Shopping Center)., Bayamón, Puerto Rico 00960
Products or Services
Careers available:
• Electricity and Renewable Energy
• Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
• Alarm and Sound Technician with P.L.C. Electronics and Security
• Computer Repair and Networking
• Plumbing Technician
• Automotive Mechanical Technology
• Business Development and Management
Payment methods
Credit Card
In Professional Technical Institution, Inc offers the following tools to help you complete your academic goal: We offer careers in one year. Racing high demand employment are aimed to work in public or private agencies, but also to develop the Self-Employment. We offer day and evening schedules. Laboratories, validates and practice, you graduate with experience. Placement office to help prepare a good resume, job interview and job search to support you in this important process.
We have financial aid if you qualify and are authorized by the WIOA, Veterans Vocational Rehabilitation program.