- Carr. 176 Km 6.2, Cupey Alto, San Juan, Puerto Rico 00936
Business hours
Products or Services
- Decent and Affordable Service
- Planning a Funeral
- Funeral Services
- Selecting flowers, clothing, etc.
- Selection of Coffin
- Selection of burial, being buried in a crypt in a mausoleum or
buried at sea
- Cremation Services
- Large Facilities
- Financial help
Payment methods
Credit Card
The funeral is an important step toward healing, not only for yourself, but for everyone who is affected by the loss of your loved one. There are a number of things to consider when putting someone's final arrangements in place. Too often, people choose to fast service with little time for remembering a life lived. Having a funeral service with time to say goodbye and proper measures in place to ensure that your loved one is remembered now and in the future is important, not only for your healing, but for others as well. You can choose where, when and how to hold the service. You can choose the music you want played, the prayers that will be recited and the special services and personal touches that will help you honor the well-lived life. You make the decisions and leave the rest to us. If you would like to share this moment with your broad network of family and friends, we will help you spread the word. We'll use our print and online channels to bring the community together to celebrate your loved one's life. If you've chosen to have your loved one buried, you may want the casket present at the service. Many people choose to hold a viewing prior to the service. There are certain costs associated with burial. Some of them include casket selection, plot within the cemetery and headstone in the cemetery. If you choose cremation, we strongly recommend that you hold a memorial service to help you and your loved ones in the healing process.