- Carr. #108 Km. 2.9 #1324 Bo. Miradero, Mayagüez, Puerto Rico 00680
Business hours
Products or Services
• Veterinary clinic
• Vet
• Surgery
• X-rays
• Vaccines
• Laboratories
• Medicines for pets
• Premium food
• Dental cleaning
Payment methods
Credit Card
Dr. Ricardo Marrero has been providing excellent health care to your "four legged loyal family", your MASCOT, for 31 years !! Since 2010 we have added Dra. Melanie Zurkowsky to our practice in order to provide extended hours for the benefit of our Clients. We are able to have a 13 hour regular shift without incurring in emergency fees!!! We are very proud of our Staff!!They make the difference with their tender and loving care to your best friends, our patients!!!
Thank you for spending all these years as part of our FAMILY!!!
Our pleasure is to serve you for many years to come!!!