Hospicio Divina Presencia, Inc.


  • Calle Font Martelo, Humacao, Puerto Rico 00791


Products or Services

  • - Medics
    - Nursing
    - Medical Social Services
    - Speech Therapy
    - Occupational Therapy
    - Housekeeper
    - Voluntary Services
    - Social Work
    - Nutritionist
    - Health Care
    - Therapist
    - Medicines
    - Medical equipment
    - Medical Supplies
    - Food Supplements

Payment methods

  • CashCash
  • CheckCheck
  • Credit CardCredit Card

Hospicio Divina Presencia, Inc. our mission is to offer through an interdisciplinary team, services in our hospice home to patients with a terminal condition and his family, to achieve a death with dignity. Always keep getting quality service in strengthening the mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of the patient and his immediate family.