Dr. José L. Hernández de la Cuesta


  • #1285 Marginal de Villamar, Carolina, Puerto Rico 00979


Products or Services

  • • General Dentistry
    • Cosmetics
    • Fixed Bridges
    • Removable bridges
    • Restoration of implants
    • Porcelain Laminates
    • Rolled resin

Payment methods

  • CashCash
  • CheckCheck
  • Credit CardCredit Card

We are an office dedicated to General Dentistry, our interest is in your oral health in the long term.

We focus on a comprehensive treatment backed by preventive treatment. We dedicate the necessary time that you deserve and we distinguish ourselves by being punctual with the time of your appointment.

We work rehabilitations with fixed bridges, removable bridges with and without metal, complete dentures, restorations on implants, veneers in porcelain or resin, we restore teeth with amalgams or aesthetic resins to accommodate the needs of the patient.

Collaborations with specialists are available on cases which requieres it.