Now closed

Campo Rico Clini-Lab, Inc.


  • Carr. #185 KM 5.4 Bo. Campo Rico - Frente al Parque de Pelota


Business hours

6:00 AM - 4:00 PM
6:00 AM - 4:00 PM
6:00 AM - 4:00 PM
6:00 AM - 12:00 PM
6:00 AM - 12:00 PM
6:00 AM - 4:00 PM


  • • American Health Medicare (AHM)
    • APS
    • Healthcare(APS)
    • Constellation Health
    • First Medical, First Plus
    • Humana
    • Humana Medicare
    • Mapfre Life
    • Medicare
    • MCS Comercial
    • MCS Classicare
    • MMM
    • PALIC
    • PMC
    • Prossam
    • Triple S
    • Triple S Medicare
    • National Health Reform

Products or Services

  • Laboratory tests in general, including:
    • Hematology
    • Urine
    • Chemical and Microbiology
    • Thyroid
    • Marriage
    • Pregnancy
    • Doping
    • Health certificate
    • WIC
    • School
    • ETS, etc.

Payment methods

  • CashCash
  • Credit CardCredit Card

Founded in 2004 Campo Rico Clini-Lab, Inc. is dedicated to providing its clients with excellent service in laboratory analysis, in an environment of confidentiality, respect, courtesy and friendliness.

We are committed to providing our patients with accurate and reliable results, as quickly as possible. We have a team of top professionals.

Our technologists have over 30 years of experience each in the field of medical technology. Our nurses are experienced phlebotomists, efficiently handling sample collection in both children and adults. In addition, all of our staff is fully trained to give you the best care and answer your questions. Our laboratory is conveniently located on Highway 185, just minutes from the town of Canóvanas (across from the Bo. Campo Rico ball park).

We have parking and easy access for people with disabilities, as well as a comfortable waiting room. Campo Rico Clini-Lab provides home sampling service (by prior arrangement) for those patients who are bedridden or have limited mobility. If you are able to reach our facilities, but have difficulty moving, we will take your sample without getting out of the car. We also visit nursing homes.

For your convenience, we accept most medical plans, including Health Reform and have an ATH system for payment of your deductibles.

In addition, we process STAT samples in 1 hour. In addition, we are associated with recognized and reliable reference laboratories, which process the tests that we do not perform internally, following the strictest quality standards. At Campo Rico Clini-Lab we are known for the special treatment we provide, since our clients are like a big family.

Visit us and you will see!