
  • PO Box 195449, San Juan, Puerto Rico 00919


In the Public Corporation for the Supervision and Insurance of Puerto Rico Cooperatives (COSSEC) we ensure the integrity and financial strength of the Cooperative Movement in the island. This is what we do, through monitoring and just, fair and effective enforcement of all cooperatives. We promote solvency, strength and global competitiveness led to socio-economic development of our country, by applying an agile, modern and flexible financial public policy to ensure balance and equity between the interests of shareholders, depositors and the development of cooperation.   Assure confidence in the savings and loan industry, providing insurance shares and deposits for its members and depositors up to $ 250,000.00.   We facilitate the creation of corporate structures and cooperatives, along with viable economic integration of the credit union sector and other productive sectors. Simultaneously with these functions, we provide education to employees of cooperatives on current topics in economics and financial strength.