- Servicios Dentro del Área Metro
- • In Caza Infieles Detectives we take advantage of the technological services available. We work in surveillance and tracking under GPS tracking, cellular inquiries, strategically located hidden cameras and microphones to obtain maximum information, we perform vehicle recovery, maintenance cases, insurance fraud, photos and video, among others.
Products or Services
• Our researchers possess skills and abilities that allow them to move and develop in total safety in all environments.
• Years of experience in this field allow us from a psychological perspective to identify the correct tracking profiles, facilitating the advantages over the person being followed.
• We have a range of services ranging from the typical tracking through all possible types of tracking to detect the infidel according to their behavior.
Payment methods
Is the uncertainty killing you? Does the anguish of your thoughts have you dead alive? React to reality! Caza Infieles will give you the truth!
Stop spending long hours absorbed, lost in your thoughts and wondering what you will do, where and with whom that ungrateful loved one is. Stop suffering and seek the truth you need!
Caza Infieles Detectives is a company that provides professional track and trace services. With us, you will find the answer to all your questions.
We are characterized by being a team with great skill in this activity, fundamentally guaranteeing 100% seriousness, reserve and discretion required in the search process.