Now closed
Laboratorio Clínico Salimar

Laboratorio Clínico Salimar

 -We're # 1 in service-


  • Calle Santiago Palmer #12, Salinas, Puerto Rico 00751


Business hours

6:00 AM - 12:00 PM
5:00 AM - 5:00 PM
5:00 AM - 5:00 PM
5:00 AM - 5:00 PM
5:00 AM - 5:00 PM
5:00 AM - 5:00 PM


  • We accept most medical plans.

Products or Services

  • Samples are processed from:
    • General chemistry
    • Special chemicals
    • Serology,
    • Hematology
    • Clotting,
    • Bacteriology
    • Influenza
    • Immunohematology
    • Parasitology

    Services are offered:
    • Sampling at home
    • We participate in health fairs in Salinas and neighboring towns
    • Lead tests are processed for Head Start, Wic programs
    • Tests for marriage certification and University certifications
    • Covid Molecular and Mycoplasma Test
    • Many more

    External home service:
    • The Salimar Laboratory knows the needs of our people so we make daily home visits to provide our services to those who can not reach our facilities, call us to guide you better •

    Business and other services:
    • We provide services to companies for Health Certificates, doping and others at the request of the client and deliver the results directly to the company • The laboratory has the necessary number of staff to provide the service. Sampling is done, and the results are delivered directly to the company, avoiding the waste of time for the employee and the company. In these cases he takes all the equipment, and we take care of everything. We only require the date and time for the sample taking.

Payment methods

  • CashCash
  • ATHMovilATHMovil
  • CheckCheck
  • Credit CardCredit Card

Salimar Clinical Laboratory located at Santiago Palmer Street # 12 in Salinas offers the people of Salinas and surrounding areas a high-quality service and total excellence because we can guarantee and provide our patients a good quality service, reproducibility, accuracy, precision, and efficiency.

Our wonderful staff is fully trained to answer any questions you may have, because we go the extra mile, and because our patients and their health are our priority. We offer excellent service and believe 100% in prevention and that is why we work hand in hand with Salinas physicians to help maintain good health.