Now closed

Yulmar Ceramic Design


  • Urb. Costa Azul Calle B #B-13, Luquillo, Puerto Rico 00773


Business hours

9:00 AM - 7:00 PM
9:00 AM - 7:00 PM
9:00 AM - 7:00 PM
9:00 AM - 7:00 PM
9:00 AM - 7:00 PM
9:00 AM - 7:00 PM

Products or Services

  • • Do-it-yourself workshops; coquis, fish, butterflies, "Universal Beings", "Stones Speak" and special pieces including unique techniques.
    • Environmental games; "Rain of Stars", "Stones Speak". Ecotourism
    • Sale of pieces; Thematic trophies, special recognitions, promotional items and other special requests.
    • Sculptures
    • Recognition plates
    • Promotional items
    • Murals
    ** Prices and materials depend on the spiezas they wish to create.
    Coqui 16 "x20" $ 178
    Isleña Woman $ 125
    Mother Earth 26 "x13" $ 345
    Transformation of the Universal Being 28 "xx18" $ 1,275
    Three Kings 18 "tall $ 925
    Butterfly Small 3x $ 18, Medium $ 25, Large $ 45
    ** Unique pieces by hand. Of 2 to 3 weeks of delivery.

Payment methods

  • CashCash
  • ATHMovilATHMovil
  • CheckCheck

Island Sentiment, by Yulmar

The joy and magic experience of colors transformation in my ceramic sculptures is invaluable. Is a real participation on Creation trough basic elements like soil, water, fire and air. The understanding of color, the way that Nature present it, is the language used in Island Sentiment© . As a History teacher with a scientific attitude, my proposal is to share this form of integration of human kind to Nature. We need to balance our presence on Earth, one of our real reason of existence, give continuation and beauty to Creation itself. That becomes a reality in the educational ceramic workshops©, tours, games and other resources available, We receive groups of people to share this point of view with transcendental achievements.

Expertise and Inspiration

On 1988, I was honored with a scholarship from Puerto Rico’s Government and graduated from Altos de Chavón, Dominican Republic as specialist on the science of visual arts and design. Other past experiences like working for Florida’s Disney, living in Cancun, Mexico are part of my credentials. In 1984, I couldn’t understand why Puerto Rico was so destroyed by mountains roads. An unfinished work!!! Mountains divided in two pieces without being gardened on the cuts. I was inspired by an antique name of these Islands, ACATL. It means the mother earth cave where people emerged to populate America. Puerto Rico is a natural environmental park. It has a suggested figurative language on colors and forms that can be part of your sensorial health and order. It is an unknown natural resource that can be used as an eco friendly business for each islander.