AICO Financial LLC.


  • Jardines #3 2do. Piso, Hormigueros, Puerto Rico 00680


Products or Services

  • We specialize in working with financial planning and asset protection. We cover what is financial advisory and risk management. In this way we minimize risks by increasing their capacity for capital growth including the following benefits:

    • Retirement Products for Individuals and Companies
    • "Keogh" Plans
    • You will go
    • "Buy Sell Agreement"
    • Compensation Plans
    • Deferred
    • Business Succession Strategies
    • Annuities
    • Property and contingency insurance
    • Personal and Commercial Auto Insurance
    • "Personal Package"
    • Business Policies
    • Pet Insurance
    • Life insurances
    • Disability
    • Medical Malpractice
    • "Malpractice"
    • Cancer and Other Policies
    • Diseases
    • Funeral Plans
    • Medical Plans

At AICO Financial LLC. We distinguish ourselves by being professionals fully dedicated to insurance industry, risk management and consulting services. Our goal and passion is to help people build and achieve those goals they have longed for. Our main commitment is to encourage people to develop integrated financial strategies! For their own benefit, thus adapting to the needs of our clients and those of their family in general. Therefore, each of the strategies generated are done with professionalism, hospitality and efficiency, characteristics that distinguish us as a signature, based on the real needs of each individual. On a daily basis, we have successfully demonstrated our executive skills, Professionals, individuals and business owners to implement diverse strategies encompassing a good development with the common purpose of protecting and building the capital of our clients.