- 135-12 Villa Carolina Calle 401 Marginal Ave. Monserrate, Carolina, Puerto Rico 00985
Business hours
- • Aceptamos la mayoria de los planes medicos.
Products or Services
• General medicine
• Primary Physician
• Acupuncture
• Health Certificates
• Weight control
• Marriage Certificates
• Vaccine Certificates
Payment methods
Credit Card
At our clinic we care about your health. Obesity is the cause of many diseases such as diabetes, high pressure, cholesterol, and high triglycerides among others, which can put our health at risk.. This is why we have several completely natural weight control protocols.
We combine acupuncture with a specific diet, vitamins and amino acids that help us control our appetite and accelerate our metabolism and at the same time educate ourselves so that the pounds we lose never come back. With these protocols you can lose 15 to 30 pounds in just 45 days. In this process we commit ourselves to helping and supporting you to succeed and see, feel, and be healthy.
We use Injections of Vitamin B 12 and MIC (Amino acids) as well as auriculotherapy to control the appetite and strengthen the metabolism in a natural way.