- Urb. Caguas Norte U-5 Calle Nebrasca, Caguas, Puerto Rico 00725
Business hours
Products or Services
* We Are the store with the largest variety of chargers cloth in Puerto Rico. We have available different models, styles and brands of porters.
We baked hammocks original and exclusive of our brand.
* We have the products for pregnant women such as shirts with original messages and creams for the paunch in growth.
* We Have available diversity of oils for pregnancy and childbirth, to help relax and energize when the exhaustion overcomes us, we have balls of childbirth and the lriginal Aromatherapy Heating Pad created by Doula Baby.
* We work a line of organic products for our babies, including soap, shampoo, insect repellent, sunscreen, toothpaste, teething products and more.
* For the girls we have beautiful accessories such as suits, ties and bands made by lovely Genesis.
* For those mothers who feel more comfortable breastfeeding discreetly we have diversity of "nursing covers" or cloths of lactation.
* There is also diversity of packages for regular baby, luxurious, type portfolio, backpacks and cart.
* In our store you will find the always yummy biscuits that breastfeeding makes Cookie Mamacada week or the delicious brownies of lactation.
Organic Products created by a nursing mother to help those moms that want to increase their breast milk supplied or who want a healthy and nutritious snack.
* We Have portable chairs to eat, very practical and functional, baby wipes, wipe cases decorated and much more.
Payment methods
Credit Card
We strive to ensure a healthy pregnancy, a childbirth respected both to the parturient as for the baby, breastfeeding, parenting in the arms and the attachment parenting in general.
I believe in the right of women to give birth in the desired shape, to have a humanizing delivery and respected. To give birth where they want,they want and with whom they want.
My role as a midwife begins early in the pregnancy, guiding the families about the plans that they want to continue to welcome you to their offspring. The health care of mama-baby and noted that there is a proper development of the pregnancy.
The health care of mama-baby and noted that there is a proper development of the pregnancy. A normal progress of labor and postpartum health.
Yes, there is still the baby in the house in Puerto Rico, is a real option that many do not know. In the comfort of their homes, surrounded by the people who love them, in a family environment.
Midwives are prepared to meet low-risk pregnancies and deliveries at home for families who have so decided.