Open until 10:00 PM

Nuestra Farmacia


  • 90 Calle Colón, Aguada, Puerto Rico 00602-3105


Business hours

8:00 AM - 10:00 PM
8:00 AM - 10:00 PM
8:00 AM - 10:00 PM
8:00 AM - 9:00 PM
8:30 AM - 9:00 PM
8:00 AM - 10:00 PM


  • We accept most health plans including card of my health.

Products or Services

  • Services
    * Robot for dispensing medicine- reducing waiting time and minimizing errors
    * Home delivery (if you qualify)
    * Electronic or e-mail recipes, fax and App
    * Electronic or telephonic Reps
    * Synchronize drugs
    * Reconciliation of drugs
    * Adherence Drug Program
    * Machine revealed, 2 x 2 photos and passport
    * Fax service
    * Photocopies Service

    * Drugs "Over the Counter"
    * First aid supplies
    * Giftware, preparing gift baskets and packaging
    * Cards for all occasions
    * Baby Items
    * Toys
    * School supplies
    * Jewelry
    * Perfumery
    * Durable Medical Equipment
    * Cleaning and Household
    * Electronics

Payment methods

  • CashCash
  • Credit CardCredit Card
We Pharmacy Our mission is to provide preventive care and provides remedies among its patients to enjoy better health and a better quality of life. Your recipe will always be dispensed and verified by certified personnel as a pharmacy technician and licensed doctor or pharmacy. The use of robotic technology to count and dispense medication speeds up the process, reduce waiting time and minimizes the possibility of error. electronic prescriptions are processed from the doctor's office, or you can fax, email or by free application (App) from your cell phone iPhone or android. Download the application to your phone and Look for us as "Our Pharmacy". You can send your prescription, ask repetitions, enjoy special, "shoppers" and others. In the recipe we have a large inventory and not having any medications you may be getting less than 24 hours. We reconciliation programs and timing of drugs; supplemented by a program of adherence to their drug therapy. We can change the taste of its liquid medicines. Choose your favorite flavor. In addition, we deliver medications in your home, care center or work (in the area of ​​Aguada), if requested in advance. For competitive prices and best services. Our Pharmacy and visit as many say: "My pharmacy is Our Pharmacy"